Responsible and Fair Healthcare For All



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Principles for Reform
Universal healthcare is essential to provide access to basic healthcare. Users of the care must be educated and assisted in using the healthcare sources wisely; most patients do not think about healthcare resources as something to be conserved and shared. Promote the conditions and environment for people to be healthy and make healthy choices. Insure that healthcare spending goes only for effective care where such care is clearly specified for all to know. Maintain an optimal capacity for the healthcare system to sustain high quality and affordable healthcare, through investments in prevention, medical education, medical research and improvements in the system’s infrastructure.
Individuals have the ultimate responsibility for the healthcare system by financially sharing its costs. It will also be in their best interests to use the system wisely and draw on collective resources judiciously, to take personal responsibility for their own health behaviors and reduce their own health risks, and to become more health literate. People with favorable risk-factor levels for postponement of chronic illness have only one-fourth to one-half the amount of disability in the seventh and eight decades of life as do their counterparts. Individuals must collectively reduce the need and demand for healthcare. Medical need represents the medically modifiable illness burden of a defined population; that morbidity includes the sum of all heart attacks, vehicular trauma, strokes, lung cancers, arthritis, etc. most of which are determined by living behaviors. Medical demand represents the request of patients and their medical care givers for medical care services. Such demand disappears when patients are informed and proven effective medical care protocols are followed