Responsible and Fair Healthcare For All




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Healthcare Problems1-5

1. Healthcare in the United States is the most expensive in the world. Its costs are two to three times greater than the 20 other wealthiest countries in the developed Western World.
2. Healthcare costs are increasing rapidly compared to growth in the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
3. Healthcare costs currently account for 17 percent of our GDP.
4. An estimated 30 percent of all healthcare spending nationally goes for care that is either not indicated, not effective, or not up to current community standards.
5. Despite the amount of money spent on healthcare, life expectancy for Americans is shorter than more than 20 other countries in the world. Our life expectancy is about the same as for people living in Costa Rica where healthcare costs are ten percent of those in the United States.
6. Over 45 million people living in the United States (one-sixth of its population) have no health insurance leaving them with little or no essential healthcare.
7. Within the United States, healthcare costs are two to three times greater in some regions compared to others, but life expectancy and quality of healthcare are not better where more money is spent.
8. The quality of healthcare is poor when compared to quality of services and products available from other industries in the United States. Americans receive effective care (defined as appropriate care based on medical evidence and practice guidelines) for acute and chronic conditions only about half the time.
9. Healthcare costs are largely driven by preventable human behavior for which everyone pays.6
10. Healthcare providers are responsible for unacceptable levels of “harm” where the Hippocratic Oath says “do no harm.”7